If you’re thinking about adjusting the shape and size of your nose to make your face more balanced, rhinoplasty could be the solution. Rhinoplasty surgery can fix concerns with the symmetry of your face in addition to addressing the general structure of your nose. This is especially beneficial if you have trouble breathing.
No matter what reasons bring you to our office for rhinoplasty, we’re happy to help you.
What is rhinoplasty, and what can it do for you? Here’s what you need to know about nose jobs.
Rhinoplasty Surgery
You’re probably wondering, “What is rhinoplasty, and how does it change my appearance?” Rhinoplasty is commonly known as a nose job. Rhinoplasty surgery is for patients who want a smaller, more even, or less crooked nose.
If you have prominent bumps along the bridge of your nose, we can adjust those as well. In addition, rhinoplasty can address flared nostrils, a wide nose base, or a drooping nose tip.
During a rhinoplasty procedure, our expert surgeons make small incisions around your nose to move tissue, bone, and cartilage around. Using rhinoplasty, they combine precision with creativity to give your face a more balanced appearance. They also improve the internal structure of your nose, allowing for better airflow.
We perform nose jobs while you are under general anesthesia, so you won’t be awake for the procedure. When we make the incisions around your nose, we’re careful to place them where any scars won’t be visible. After you wake up, you’ll notice a more balanced, better-structured nose.
Why We Perform Rhinoplasty Surgery
Rhinoplasty surgery enhances the appearance of your face by balancing out your features. For example, if you have an enlarged or crooked nose, the sides of your face might look a bit uneven. Rhinoplasty can create a smoother visual transition from one side of your face to the other.
If you had a broken nose years ago, sometimes it can change the shape of your nose now. Patients who never got proper treatment for broken noses benefit greatly from rhinoplasty surgery.
Some patients get rhinoplasty for breathing problems. If you have a deviated septum, meaning the middle cartilage in your nose is off-center, it can cause breathing issues. Rhinoplasty corrects the cartilage placement to allow for easier airflow. Many patients are satisfied with the comfort of their breathing after rhinoplasty.
Good Candidates for Rhinoplasty
You might be wondering if you are a good fit for this procedure. We consult with every patient before scheduling their rhinoplasty. We go over your medical history, goals for your face, and any concerns you have about the process. The only way to make sure you are a good candidate for the surgery is to book an in-person consultation with us.
In general, most patients with crooked, uneven, or broken noses benefit from getting a nose job. We want to make sure you get this procedure for yourself, not because of anyone else’s opinion. Your appearance belongs to you.
What to Do Before the Surgery
You should be in good general health before undergoing surgery. All patients should stop smoking at least a few weeks prior to the procedure. We only perform rhinoplasty on patients ages 13 and older.
We encourage patients to look at before-and-after photos to decide what they want to change about their noses. You can gain inspiration from seeing other people’s results. If you feel certain that rhinoplasty will improve your quality of life, we’re happy to guide you through the journey.
Recovering from the Surgery
After you get a nose job, we place a plastic structure in your nose called a splint. Sometimes we use other materials to pack your nose and keep it in the right position. The splint will help your nose heal properly and retain the correct shape. Following post-surgery instructions is the best way to ensure that you get optimal results.
You will need regular appointments after your rhinoplasty. We check on your stitches and splints to make sure everything is healing properly. You should avoid intense physical activity and straining for at least ten days after your surgery. We also recommend taking at least one week off work to recover.
If you follow the recovery instructions carefully, you will get the most benefit from your new nose. It may take a few months for the complete results to show on your face, but once your nose is fully healed, you will have a more balanced appearance and better-functioning nasal passages.
Enjoying Your Results
Once your nose has healed, your face will look more balanced. The rhinoplasty procedure enhances the beauty that you already have while also giving you the nasal structure to breathe freely.
If you get rhinoplasty to correct breathing problems, you’ll likely notice that you can breathe more comfortably than before. After the splints or packing have been removed, you should have no problem getting adequate air into and out of your nasal passages.
Quality Rhinoplasty in Rosemont, IL
You’ll find the experienced, skilled plastic surgeons you need to perform your rhinoplasty at Chicago Aesthetic Surgery Institute (CASI) in Rosemont, IL. We meet with every patient to determine the best treatment plan to help them achieve their goals. We are excited to help you transform your face.
Rhinoplasty surgery can give you a more symmetrical face by reshaping and sculpting your nose. It can also help you breathe better and regain the structure lost due to a broken nose earlier in life.
Don’t wait to achieve facial harmony. Call us to schedule a personalized consultation with one of our expert medical professionals today!